Wrens Active Learn Website Information

Hi Wrens, I hope you have had a good Easter, and are all staying safe and well.

I can’t wait to see all of your smiley faces!

Parents or carers, you will be receiving a text message giving you login details for Active Learn, which we have access to during the school closures. Through accessing the Active Learn website, you will be able to complete a range of activities. If you have not received a message with these details, please contact school and I will provide you with the login information again.

I have allocated your child two reading books to read this week, which is basically like them changing their reading books as they normally would on a Tuesday and a Friday. I will then add more reading books next week.

I have also allocated your child some fun phonics games to play, and again I will keep adding more at a later date, so keep checking on it. They look great fun, and the children can earn rewards on here for all their hard work.

The link below should take you to the home page where you login using the details from the text message I have sent you.


The link below will give you a tour of the homepage and show you where you can access the activities allocated.


Keep up the great work with your phonics Wrens!!!

I am looking into maths activities, so I will be in touch about that soon too.

Thank you for all your support with your child’s learning.

Bye for now Mrs Marriott  x

Mrs Briggs sends her love too x

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