A fab day out for Ospreys at the Beatles Story

IMG_0577Ospreys had a fantastic day at the Beatles Story in Liverpool.  Here a few blogs that the children have written about the day:

Amazing excitement occurred on Monday 28th September 2015 due to Merlins and Ospreys, from Anston Greenlands Primary School, travelling (on a luxurious double-decker coach) to The Beatles Story in Liverpool.

First the two classes dropped their bags off at the chill out zone, and then we had a photo taken in the discovery zone. Next we designed 1960’s clothes which lead on to our next activity,  dancing to Elvis in 1960 clothes. After, we had lunch in the chill out zone. Next we put some headphones on ready for the exhibition, the exhibition started off by showing off some the instruments the Beatles used. After we went into the journalist area, a few minutes later we walked into the Cavern, it was amazing, and we took a few cool photos. Next we went into the plane the (the one that the Beatles flew to America in) and then we went into Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Heart’s Club Band which led onto the Yellow Submarine; it was epic!


Harry  F

When we arrived at Liverpool we jumped off the coach and walked over a bridge to get to the Beatles story. Then we walked down some stairs where a tour guide was waiting for us. When we got to the tour guide he took us into the discovery zone where we split into 2 groups: one group went to a rock and pop area where you dress up and sing, meanwhile another group did some art and some of us were dancing, like me, to the music. Then we swapped over so I got dressed up and I looked amazing. Before we got to dress up I got to put the record on the record player. After, we had a noisy lunch.



The class went into the exhibition and we saw lots of exhibits like: The caverns where the Beatles played their first song, Strawberry fields and a fan’s bedroom. When we saw the fan’s bedroom the bed had lots of Beatles merchandise on it. My favourite part was the strawberry fields.


Harry P

My favourite part of the trip was when we watched the fab 4d film because it played some of the Beatles songs they sang. I learnt that Ringo Starr was the drummer and Paul McCartney and John Lennon were the song writers.  I learnt that George was the guitar player.


My favourite thing was the 4d movie because I got soaking wet. I learnt that the Beatles were originally called the Quarrymen.



My favourite part of the visit was the fab 4D film; I liked it because we got wet and it was funny. I loved the visit and I totally recommend it. I learned that Pete Best was the main drummer before Ringo Starr.


Ospreys and Merlins had an amazing time at the Beatles museum. I loved it, it was outstanding I learned Ringo Starr was the drummer for the Beatles. My favourite bit was the Fab 4D film.


After, we walked by the River Mersey looking at the love locks. When we got to the other side we went into the British invasion museum and watched a 4D film, the chairs moved left right and centre, plus we got sprayed with water. Unfortunately it was very short and took only 5 minutes, and then it was over. After that we walked back along the river Mersey once again looking at the love locks along the side of the bridge heading to the coach.

I learned that Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr of the Beatles are still alive. We had a wonderful time there. I would recommend going to The Beatles Story.


After that we walked across the river Mersey it took a lot longer than you would think there were a lot of locks on a chain because that’s where people display their love of their friends or family. Eventually when we crossed the Mersey we entered the British invasion we looked at two displays and one had the Beatles bobble heads on it. After we had looked at the displays we watched a funny 4D movie; it was short but funny it looked like strawberries were popping out of the screen there were a lot of songs in it like yellow submarine because near the end you entered the yellow submarine and you got wet. When it had ended we exited the British invasion and we walked back across the Mersey and headed back to school. We had a great day, we all enjoyed it.

My favourite part was the Fab 4D film because it was funny.  Did you enjoy my blog? I learnt that the Beatles first performance was at a cavern at Liverpool.

Harry D


It was an amazing day on the 28th of September 2015 because Ospreys and Merlins went on a fantastic trip to the Beatles story in Liverpool!!  The children travelled on a luxurious double-decker coach to Liverpool.  The reason we went there is because we are learning about rock and pop throughout the decades.

As soon as we got there we got off the coach and walked over a bridge to get to the Beatles story and then the children walked down some stairs and went to a place called the chill out zone. Then we split up into 2 groups. 1 group went to do some art and the other group went to the rock pop area where we were dancing and then we listened to some pop music on a record player.  When they put the record player on I felt like I was on stage at a concert. After we put some jazzy clothes on and started dancing.  Then we went to the chill out zone for lunch.

Just after lunch the tour guide took us to the exhibition and we put headphones on to listen to some things about the Beatles.  All the children were looking for these numbers to listen to information about the Beatles!  Next we went to the yellow submarine, we went inside it. The submarine was so cool inside because it had four little tanks of fish in it.  Then Ospreys went to go and see strawberry fields, the British invasion and a fan’s bedroom and next to that Ospreys saw Ringo’s drum kit.  After this I saw a map of our country and it said Liverpool so I clicked on it and it came up with the Beatles song ‘Love me do’, I clicked on it again and the song started playing! Then the children started dancing and singing.  After this Ospreys saw John Lennon’s white piano I thought it was so shiny. The children walked back to put the headphones away.

Just then we went to the fab 4D experience it was awesome because we got wet and the chairs moved and so I got off and I said “I really want to go on this again!! But we didn’t go on it again. After the fab 4D experience  I felt quite sick and wet because water sprayed at us I didn’t get that wet but CJ got soaked, the teachers got wet and had FUN there!!

I learned that the Beatles were originally called the Quarrymen and I also learned that Ringo Starr was the drummer.  My first favourite thing was when we went to the part where we did some art and my second favourite was where we went to the fab 4D experience!!


More to follow…





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