Ahoy there, me hearties! It’s a pirate’s life for Wrens!

We have had a busy, exciting half term learning about sea life!

We all got really interested in pirates, and the positions and duties on board a pirate ship.

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We all completed pirate application forms, as positions had become available on a ship!

Successful applicants were then given an interview…

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/pHBzDcTk4KY”]

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/Bli1hQdCzSs”]

We practiced our skills, whilst also learning to count in 10’s to 100.

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We learnt how to create number sentences with our booty!

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We then went and worked on our map reading skills so we would be good at finding treasure when we became real pirates. Guess what? We only went and found some too! Shiver me timbers!

We were all successful in our interviews, so we all became pirates for the day! Yo Ho Ho!

We had a fabulous pirate day. We completed a pirate literacy challenge, and then sang sea shanties!

Whilst we were pirates, we also decided to feed the fish! What do you think of our lovely pebble fish?

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Being a pirate on-board a pirate ship was great, but it was certainly hard work!

We had to keep it shipshape!

We all decided it was time to have a rest and get prepared for the summer holidays, which were fast approaching.

We all made funky sunglasses!

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