Anston Greenlands’ Leavers 2020

All of the Year 6 children have already had farewell letters from Mr Wirth and from me so I’m not going to repeat myself too much! It has been a real pleasure to work with you and I’m looking forward to seeing you all again before too long. I just wanted to share a couple of films before the summer holidays start.

Firstly, you have all had a DVD which includes the Lip Sync Video but I love it so much that I have decided to share it with everyone else:

[youtube_sc url=””]

Secondly, on Friday afternoon, we were treated to a performance by ‘Lockdown’, our 2020 school band. Somehow, with severely limited rehearsal time, they managed to put on a fantastic show. What an amazing end to a very strange term!

[youtube_sc url=””]

Thank you to the Y6 children for being so great and to their families for your support, kind messages and hard work over the last few months!

Mrs Roberts

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