Chaffinches’ Merry Medieval Banquet

The children in Chaffinches’ Class had an amazing time planning, preparing and entertaining their families at their merry medieval banquet. This was a celebration of all the hard work they have done this term and they really rose to the occasion.

The day began with everyone coming to school dressed as if they were medieval servants at Greenlands Castle and thank you to all the families who helped make the children look so authentic.




We then began to prepare all the food our guests were going to enjoy. We had to prepare a first course of potage (a hearty vegetable soup), a second course of ham, chicken, bread, peacock and roasted purple carrots. Our dessert was “A Poor Knights of Windsor”, which is a real medieval dessert like an eggy bread smothered in cinnamon and honey – it was delicious.



We then had to set up the Great Hall ready for the guests.

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When the lords and ladies of Anston had arrived at The Great Hall, Lord Wirth raised his goblet and said, “Welcome my friends. Let the banquet begin!”

The banquet was a huge success. The poets entertained, the jesters told very funny jokes, the jugglers were expert in their skills, the knights guarded the Great Hall well and made sure the guests behaved themselves. The acrobats were very athletic and the servants did an excellent job of serving up the delicious food we had prepared. To end the festivities the servants all danced a beautiful Pavane and sang a haunting song called “Greensleeves”. Lord Wirth gave a speech thanking the servants of Greenlands Castle for their excellent banquet and allowed them all to fall asleep by the fire as their reward. They really did deserve such a reward.


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