Chaffinches – week beginning 11th May

Hi Chaffinches,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and were able to celebrate the VE Day anniversary – I saw some of your decorations and they were fab!  Please send in any photos of your celebrations and we will use them as part of our display in school.

Thank you for all the letters I have received – it was really lovely to find out what you’ve been up to as I am missing you all!

Thanks also for the instructions I received and the models and pictures of our solar system.  Please keep emailing in children’s work: I do enjoy reading it or seeing what they’ve made.







I have updated the Active Learn and have allocated new challenges, many based on multiplication and division, with others focusing on addition and subtraction using mental maths strategies.  Well done to those of you who are accessing Active Learn; I check regularly on your progress!


There are also these challenges to do:

Please keep using TT Rockstars – I will be updating this and setting new tables where necessary.


I’ve looked at all of the book allocations and updated where necessary.  Please contact me if you need to regarding the book allocations.

Your reading challenge this week is to make something that is associated to the book you are reading, eg. The Magic Faraway Tree – you could make a model of a tree. If you are reading An Alien stole my underpants, then you could make a model of an alien or some underpants!



I’ve allocated some more grammar and spelling work in Active Learn.  Please check and try and complete the challenges.


Extra learning

Tomorrow, the 12th May, it will be 200 years since Florence Nightingale was born.  Please find out what you can about her and think about why I have chosen this famous person for you to research.  You could produce a fact-file that gives information about her.


I look forward to seeing what you produce.


Stay safe and see you soon 🙂





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