Christmas on Diagon Alley: a huge success for all!

Merlins and Ospreys worked so hard on this enterprise project for the whole school to experience and enjoy.  Children applied for jobs and then got busy making Harry Potter themed merchandise to sell.  The cost of the materials and possible profit played a huge role in our maths lessons.  Making chocolate frogs and peppermint snakes were part of our Science and DT lessons, as were making wands.  Children had to think carefully about which items were more likely to sell and were very concerned with the quality of the products.  Many of the Big 13 enterprise skills were used in this project, including team-work, initiative, creativity and innovation, problem-solving and effective communication.

In the afternoon, children made butterbeer and sampled it: most enjoyed it 🙂

Here are some examples of comments made by children in Ospreys:

‘it was the best day ever’,

‘we had an awesome time’ and

‘what a fantastic time we’ve had: I’ve loved this topic.’

Some of our profit from the project was donated to buying toiletries and other presents for the Cracker and Co project: a local event that provides Christmas dinner and goodies to those in need.





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