On Monday 16th December, the Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles held a spectacular French Christmas Market for the local community and the younger children in school. As you can see, there was a café serving delicious French food and drinks, games of Bingo, Dobble and Pelmanism to help younger children learn French, and a range of beautiful decorations to buy. The hot chocolate reindeer and Santa Sleighs proved very popular, as did the chocolate tombola. In the hall, a variety of games, such as Spin the Wheel, Lucky Dip and raffle went down a treat. The Photomaton (or photo booth) was lots of fun. The adults involved were so impressed with the children’s versatility and independence.
In total, a fantastic amount of £250 was raised. We were delighted to welcome our friends from Kindness & Co into school on Friday to accept our donation.
A huge thank you to all parents, friends and carers for your support and your fabulous French accents!