Hearts and Octopuses

Inspired by the Golden Eagles’ and Snowy Owls’ decision to hold a talent show in order to raise money for the Jessops Wing of Sheffield Teaching Hospital, some talented members of our school community have been creating octopuses and fabric hearts for premature babies. The octopuses have been found to comfort the babies and reduce the risk of them pulling at any medical equipment they may need. The carefully made octopus’s tentacles are created to feel like a mother’s umbilical cord – when they are asleep, the premature babies will hold tightly onto the tentacles. ‘Bonding hearts’ hold the scent of mums, dads and babies to help the babies get to know their parents’ scent.

Over the next week, we will be holding the semi-finals for the ‘G-Factor’, our end of term Talent Show. Approximately seventy children across school will be taking part. Good luck everyone!

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