It’s time for Sports Day!

Before you start, make sure you’re wearing your team colours. Ask a grown-up to take a picture of you doing an activity; if they email it to contact@greenlandsprimary.org you’ll get 5 extra points!

Here’s how it works

There are eight activities to have a go at and you can do them at any time today, to suit you and your grown-ups. Once you’ve done them, ask your adult to send your total score to contact@greenlandsprimary.org. On Tuesday morning, we’ll add up all the scores from school and home, then announce the winning team on the website.

Some of the activities can be done without any equipment. For others, you’ll be able to use things you can find around the house. Ask a grown-up for help with this.

For some of the activities, you’ll need to run (or waddle!) between two cones. Of course, you could use something like jumpers or shoes instead, but we’ll call them cones in these instructions. Try to find a space where you can set these up 5 metres apart (5 big adult steps will do fine). Your adult will need to time you for most activities.

Activity 1 – Shuttle Runs

Time – 30 seconds

Run between the cones as many times as you can!

1 point for each length.

Activity 2 – Coin Waddle

Time – 1 minute

Hold a coin between your knees. No hands allowed! Waddle between the cones as many times as you can.

5 points for each length.

Activity 3 – Speed Bounce

Time – 30 seconds

Place a stick / skipping rope etc. on the ground. Jump over it as many times as you can, keeping your feet together.

1 point for each jump.

Activity 4 – Balance Race

Time – 1 minute

Balance some rolled up socks on your head (you could use something similar – we’ll use bean bags in school). Walk between the cones as many times as you can. No hands allowed!

5 points for each length.

Activity 5 – Bottle Flip!

Time – 1 minute

Can you flip a bottle? You could use your school water bottle or any plastic drinks bottle. Fill about a quarter of it with water and try to flip it so that it lands standing up.

10 points if you manage to do it!

Activity 6 – Egg and Spoon Race

Time – 1 minute

It wouldn’t be sports day without the egg and spoon race! You could use a real egg, but please check with your grown-ups first! Otherwise, it could be anything you can fit on a spoon. Some good ideas are a potato, a ball or a small toy. (I quite like the sound of the potato and spoon race!)

5 points for each length.

Activity 7 – Bowls

No time limit

Lay out a towel on the floor and stand two metres (two big adult steps) away. People at home get the fun job on this one! Roll a toilet roll and see if you can make it land on the towel. You can have 5 goes. We’ll be using balls in school so you could do that if you’d prefer.

5 points for each roll that lands on the towel.

Activity 8 – Bean Can Lunge

Time – 1 minute

This one might be tricky but it should be good fun! Hold a tin of beans, or something similar. Walk between your cones in lunges (ask your grown-up if you’re not sure how). Each time you lunge, pass the tin between your legs.

5 points for each length.

That’s it! Don’t worry if you don’t have chance to do all the activities – any you can do will earn points for your team.

Have fun!

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