Merlins work as a team!

On May 20th, some visitors came in from Crowden Outdoor Pursuits’ Centre to work with some classes at our school.  The aim of the activities were to encourage children to work as a team. 

One of the activities involved making a shute, from various pieces of pipe, reach a bucket some distance away.  The shute had to be correctly alligned  as to be able to roll a ball along it: children had to encourage each other and help each other with where to place the pipe in order for the ball to roll without delay.  This activity proved to be a real success in building team-work skills.

Another task involved the children trying to ‘cross a bridge’; without falling off.  They had to assist each other across.

The final task was to ‘cross the river’  Each team need to get the whole team from one side of the ‘river-bank’ to the other: this was not as easy as it sounds!


photo 12Hot potato The bridge
















Crossing the bridge











Crossing the river!

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