Here’s your new maths challenge.
You have a set of digits from 0-9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Can you arrange these digits in the 5 boxes below to make two-digit numbers as close to the targets as possible?
Largest even number [][]
Largest odd number [][]
Smallest odd number [][]
Largest multiple of 5 [][]
Smallest multiple of 5 [][]
I’ll set a new reading challenge on Wednesday.
There will also be a blog written by our very own polar bear, Archie.
Spellings to learn – please make sure you know how to spell Year 2 common exception words – maybe practise 10 each week and then try to write them in sentences; which can be silly sentences!
Happy learning and see you soon
Love from Mrs Adams 🙂