Latest News

20th November 2022

Exploring Light and Dark has been GREAT fun!

We have been learning about light and dark. We identified light sources around us, and this was helped by our Victorian visitors who talked about how people in the...

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17th November 2022

Escape from Boggle Hole… our escape room experience is on the way!

Our Y5 and Y6 children have a puzzle for you to solve… Do you have what it takes to Escape from Boggle Hole? Our new immersive escape room is...

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13th November 2022

We will remember!

Children from Merlins and Ospreys walked to the Cenotaph in Dinnington, to learn about its significance and history in our local area.  The Cenotaph was unveiled in 1922 and...

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7th November 2022

Our Autumn senses

In our science lessons last week, Robins had lots of fun learning about the five senses.  We went outside into our  fabulous school grounds to carry out an Autumn...

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1st November 2022

WOW Day for Wrens – It’s Show Time!

For our ‘WOW day’ the children came dressed as a character from a pantomime or a book to launch our new topic ‘It’s Show Time!” We had witches, dragons,...

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30th October 2022

Back to the Stone Age for Merlins and Ospreys: a great day at Creswell Crags!

What a great day Merlins and Ospreys had at Creswell Crags.  The children were able to walk in the footsteps of early humans and woolly mammoths through the dramatic...

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21st October 2022

Rock Star Day!

Rock ‘n’ roll! We had a brilliant day celebrating all things ROCK when we relaunched TT Rockstars in school last week. Have a look at our amazing costumes! As...

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21st October 2022

The Art Gallery is now OPEN!

This half term we have been using our artistic skills to create our art gallery. You are welcome to take a look at our art gallery. This has been...

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18th October 2022

Wrens LOVED their First PE Lesson

Wrens had their first PE lesson today. They were brimming with excitement! We warmed up – stretching our bodies, and travelling around the hall in different ways. We then...

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14th October 2022

Ready, steady, cook!

Children in Robins and Chaffinches have been busy learning about where food comes from. As part of this they have made fresh bread and made a delicious fruit...

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