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8th July 2022

Anston Greenlands Leavers 2022

The Snowy Owls have been a real pleasure to teach throughout their time in school – they should be proud of everything they have achieved here. This film was...

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6th July 2022

Leavers’ Hoodies

The Y6s were delighted to receive their Leavers’ Hoodies yesterday. Don’t they look...

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6th July 2022

Fabulous Pharaohs

The Y6 children have re-imagined themselves as ancient Egyptian pharaohs with fabulous collars and headwear. Can you identify the Snowy...

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6th July 2022

Cinema Celebration

The Snowy Owls had a great time at the cinema, thanks to the generosity of the PTA. We managed to get a few photos before the popcorn...

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3rd July 2022

Robins and Chaffinches work their magic to create their own ‘Enchanted Wood’

Children in Y1 and Y2 have been working very hard this week to create a magical woodland and their very own Faraway Tree inspired by the fantastic novel by...

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3rd July 2022

Merlins and Ospreys prepare for their final event – on an Olympic scale!

What a great term we’ve had learning about Greek myths! As part of this topic, we’ve also learned about life and the people who lived in Ancient Greece; their...

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1st July 2022

Merlins enjoy being Botanists!

For our Science topic this term, we are learning about plants and flowers, and about just how amazing they are!  We also know how important they are as they...

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28th June 2022

We’re looking forward to our Egyptian Market!

On the afternoon of Monday 4th July, the Y5 and Y6 children will be running an Egyptian Market to showcase the beautiful work they have been carrying out this...

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26th June 2022

Chaffinches become librarians

Chaffinches visited Dinnington library last week and enjoyed taking on the role of a librarian.  They scanned books and got to grips with the Dewey system. Their favourite activity...

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26th June 2022

We are ‘Mad About Minibeasts’!

We went on an a little adventure in our school grounds. We went on a bug hunt. We used nets to sweep for them. We then used tubs to...

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