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26th June 2022

Fabulous Artists

We have been working in small groups to draw butterflies using chalk. Just look at some of our amazing...

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23rd June 2022

Merlins go into the labyrinth like Theseus hunting the Minotaur!

Merlins had a visitor yesterday, a regular visitor to our school, Tracy. She came to teach Merlins about labyrinths: how they can be created and their usefulness. The children...

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23rd June 2022

S’mores for Merlins – their final Forest Schools Adventure!

The children in Merlins got to learn about fire safety and then helped build a fire before toasting marshmellows to eat in s’mores: amazing! The children also spent their...

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23rd June 2022

Dens and dreamcatchers – more Forest Schools adventures for Merlins!

Children in Merlins have been using skills learned previously in our Forest Schools lessons, to revisit some of their favourite activities: den-making and making dreamcatchers were firm favourites....

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19th June 2022

A special visitor to Chaffinches

Over the last few weeks, Chaffinches have enjoyed learning about animals, including humans in our Science lessons.  We have been finding out about what humans need to survive and...

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12th June 2022

Fun for Merlins as they learn more skills in Forest Schools!

Merlins learned more useful and important skills last week in our Forest Schools lesson.  The children learned how to use secateurs safely. This skill was learned in order to...

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10th June 2022

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

We had a wonderful time celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee during our History Week. Each class investigated a different decade of her reign. As a school, we produced some...

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8th June 2022

It’s always an adventure on our WOW days!

Today we kicked off our new topic ‘It’s an Adventure’ with our ‘WOW’ day. The children brought a teddy bear/soft toy into school; we then went and listened to...

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5th June 2022

Merlins enjoying the Jubilee celebrations!

What a fantastic week Merlins had, along with the rest of the school, in learning about the Queen and her reign, in preparation for her Platinum Jubilee. We also...

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5th June 2022

Merlins and Ospreys – winners of the Reading Challenge!

Merlins and Ospreys love to read, and have been winners over the past few weeks in our weekly Reading Challenge.  They read regularly at home and so receive a...

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