Latest News

12th April 2022

Our really useful robots!

Children in Merlins were given the task of designing and making the prototype of a robot that would be really useful to children their age.  They had to design,...

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1st April 2022

Greenlands’ Got Talent

On Wednesday the 30th March, the children in Y5 and Y6 at Anston Greenlands Primary School hosted a talent show, where children from the youngest in school to the...

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31st March 2022

Our Trip to the Butterfly House

The children were so excited for trip day! We had a lovely chap for our workshops and he said how impressed he was with our knowledge of dinosaurs.  ...

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25th March 2022

Greenlands’ Got Talent is nearly here

The children in Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles are excited and busy getting ready for their talent show, where children from Wrens to Snowy Owls will showcase their talents....

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22nd March 2022

Sports Leaders and School Council Organise a Fantastic Day for Comic Relief

On Friday 18th March we held a Bake Sale at school to support Comic Relief. Throughout the morning, all classes took part in a Circuit-a-thon. Everyone had a go...

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21st March 2022

Not So Different

Please join us on Thursday 24th March for the World Premier of the Golden Eagles and Snowy Owls’ Music Video, ‘Not So Different’ [youtube_sc...

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14th March 2022

Keep Fit with Chaffinches Part 5

Another fantastic workout video from Chaffinches!  Enjoy getting fit with us and don’t forget to join us and our growing band of followers, on the infant playground every week...

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7th March 2022

What a STOMPING time we had!

We kicked our new topic off with our dinosaur WOW day. We learnt all about Paleontologists, and the famous  ‘Paleontologist and Fossil Hunter Mary Anning’. We then set about...

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7th March 2022

You are my Sunshine – Boomwhacker fun!

We are getting very good at using the Boomwhackers. We thought it would be a great idea to let our dragon know how much he meant to us, so...

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4th March 2022

World Book Day

We all had a fantastic World Book Day! It was wonderful to see  children and staff dressed up as their favourite book character and we all enjoyed sharing books...

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