Latest News

1st March 2022

Let’s Celebrate Pancake Day!

Well, at school we just love taking part in this celebration. Can you guess why? Yes you guessed it, we got to eat some. Yum! Yum! We talked about...

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28th February 2022

Keep Fit with Chaffinches Part 4

It has been so lovely to see how many children and grown ups are now regularly joining in with our Wake Up Wednesday.  Here’s our fourth video to help...

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18th February 2022

Robins’ Forest School Fun

As it was a windy day, we decided to change the venue for Forest School. We decided it would be safer to stick to the yard. However, we did...

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18th February 2022

How to Train a Dragon Time!

We had been learning all about the story ‘The Dragon Post’ this half term. This book was really interesting, as Alex wanted to keep a dragon as a pet,...

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14th February 2022

Happy Chinese New Year from Chaffinches

Chaffinches have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Chinese New Year over the last couple of weeks.  They have learnt about how the festival is celebrated around the world and...

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14th February 2022

School Council

Over the last week, children from across school have been presenting some fantastic manifestoes to their classmates. The pupils then had the difficult task of voting for their class...

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14th February 2022

Times Table Rock Stars CCAT Tournament

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the T T Rockstars tournament with our partner schools, Redscope and Thorpe Hesley. Altogether, 312 children from the three schools took part...

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13th February 2022

People Who Help Us in Our Community

We have been learning about ‘People Who Help Us in Our Community’, as Alex from the ‘Dragon Post’ story wrote letters to some people in his community to help...

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9th February 2022

Keep Fit with Chaffinches Part 3

Here is your weekly workout with Chaffinches.  Well done to those people that took part in our Wake Up Wednesday too!  So much enthusiasm and energy in the playground!...

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3rd February 2022

Happy Chinese New Year 2022!

We have had great fun learning about Chinese New Year. It is also called Lunar New Year. It is celebrated in January or February in many countries around the...

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