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18th December 2021

A Festive Fun Run before Christmas!

What a fantastic event our Festive Fun Run was.  The children loved it and was lovely to see older and younger children running together. Thank you to our Sports...

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18th December 2021

A visit from St Nicholas – Twas the Night Before Christmas

A Visit from St Nicholas by Merlins!

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17th December 2021

Our Marvellous Models of The London Eye

The children in Golden Eagles have all completed their working models of Ferris Wheels inspired by our novel study of The London Eye Mystery. Their hard-work, resilience and problem...

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17th December 2021

Greenlands Staff Christmas Video 2021

Merry Christmas to all of our families! We hope you enjoy this year’s staff Christmas video. Thank you as always to Mrs Crossmore and Mrs Baird, for their hard...

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17th December 2021


Wrens have loved celebrating Christmas at school.  Just look at some of the things we have been doing. Retelling the Christmas story with the lady from church. Decorating the...

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16th December 2021

Reading Champions

Our Reading Champions were so excited to receive their first book to read as members of our new book club....

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16th December 2021

Choir Christmas Performance 2021

We hope you enjoy our school choir’s Christmas performance. Although they were not able to perform in front of family, carers and friends, the choir had the opportunity to...

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16th December 2021

Christmas Coffee Morning 2021 – Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles

We hope this selection of songs, poetry and sketches adds some Christmas cheer to your day! The Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles definitely missed our audience of parents, carers...

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16th December 2021

Christmas Jumper Day in Golden Eagles

The children in Golden Eagles looked fantastic in their Christmas...

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11th December 2021

Mystery Evening in Golden Eagles and Snowy Owls

On Monday 6th December, the Y5s and Y6s organised and ran a fantastic Mystery Evening inspired by our class book, ‘The London Eye Mystery’. The children demonstrated fantastic teamwork...

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