Latest News

6th June 2021

We love our planet!

Wrens have been learning about ways to help look after our planet. We made our ‘We Love Planet Earth’ hats to help spread the word too. As we are...

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18th May 2021

Caring for our Community

Today, we went litter picking in our local park, as we care so much about our community.  We had great fun using the litter pickers. There wasn’t a lot...

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17th May 2021

Farming fun in Robins!

During this half term, Robins have been very busy learning about life on a farm.  We have read several stories which are set on a farm and have used...

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14th May 2021

We LOVE Mini-beasts!

We have been learning about mini-beasts. We listened to the story ‘Mad About MIni-beasts’ first. We then wrote all about our favourite mini-beasts in our literacy lesson. We then...

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7th May 2021

Brilliant Balancing

We have been working on our balancing in PE. Some were a little more challenging than others, but we perceived! We then jumped off the benches, ensuring we landed correctly....

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7th May 2021

Litter Picking Time

We have been looking after our school environment today, and also gaining a challenge badge for our adventurer cards at the same time. We used litter pickers and gloves...

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4th May 2021

It’s official…… Wrens have GREEN FINGERS!

We have been busy collecting our adventurer badges this last few weeks. One of our badges, which we have managed to gain is our ‘Growing Badge’. We have planted...

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23rd April 2021

Meet the Band!

This is how good we are after just two days! Can you guess the song by listening to us play? [youtube_sc url=””] We have had great fun with the...

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15th April 2021

It’s going to be a GREAT adventure this term!

Well, we kicked off our new topic ‘The Adventure’ with a ‘WOW’ day. The children learnt about explorers, and then we talked about some of the accessories we thought...

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8th April 2021

Red Nose Day 2021

On Friday 19th March, children across school had lots of fun raising money for Comic Relief. The school council organised activities for everyone to take part in. These included...

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