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17th December 2020

It’s Christmas Nativity Time….

What an amazing job Wrens have done to create this fantastic Nativity play called ‘Born in a Barn’. Normally, Wrens would work alongside Year 1 & 2 to create...

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17th December 2020

Anston Greenlands Christmas 2020

A very merry Christmas from all the staff at Anston Greenlands. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy...

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17th December 2020

Panto Pandemonium

Please enjoy Robins and Chaffinches performance of Panto Pandemonium. Have a lovely...

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17th December 2020

Christmas Coffee Morning 2020 – Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles

We hope you enjoy the selection of Christmas songs and poetry performed by the Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles. We’re sure you will agree that we have a very...

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15th December 2020

Christmas Fun Today in Wrens

To begin with we all took part in the Santa dash. It was great fun, and we managed lots of laps. What a great way to start the day...

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10th December 2020

Our First School Christmas Lunch

Oh my word, we were so excited today. We just couldn’t wait to have our first school Christmas lunch. We ate our Christmas lunch, whilst listening to Christmas music....

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10th December 2020

Vikinvasion! by Greenlands Great Escape – Update

Mr Wirth and Mrs Baird made it out of Vikingvasion with an impressive time of 55 minutes. We thought that it was very brave of them to tackle our...

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10th December 2020

Vikinvasion! by Greenlands Great Escape

The Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles have had an amazing week trying to escape from the Viking Themed Escape Room which they created. Despite having produced a highly challenging...

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30th November 2020

Is it too early for Christmas?

No I hear you say, it’s never too early for Christmas! Well, in PE we based our learning around Christmas today. We have been working with small PE apparatus/equipment....

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16th November 2020

Anti-Bullying Odd Socks Day

This week marks Anti Bullying Week, an event organised by the Anti-Bullying Alliance to raise awareness of the damage bullying can do, particularly to young children in schools. This...

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