Latest News

19th October 2020

A chocolate dream of an afternoon for Merlins and Ospreys!

What a fantastic afternoon Merlins and Ospreys had today, in a virtual classroom workshop with chocolatiers from Hotel Chocalat.  The children learned about how cacao is grown, where it...

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19th October 2020

Let Us Entertain You!

Well, we have been busy entertaining our friends and our class teachers. We have been singing nursery rhymes and other familiar songs. The most popular ones were ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star...

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19th October 2020

It’s finally arrived ….. our first PE lesson.

Well to say we were a little excited, was definitely an understatement. We couldn’t wait for our first PE lesson. Our first task was to find a space. We then set about...

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16th October 2020

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. We’re going to the moon!

This is the first line of one of our favourite songs that we have been learning in Robins. What a fantastic half term we have had in Year 1. ...

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8th October 2020

Rain, Rain, Stay and Play.

Well the weather today was definitely not going to stop us from getting outside. We put our wellies on and took our umbrellas out. We loved splashing in the...

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7th October 2020

Wrens just love eating healthy foods!

We have been busy singing our ‘Five a Day’ song, although they do say seven a day is now the way forward. [youtube_sc url=””] What do you think to...

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7th October 2020

It’s Autumn Time!

This morning we went outside and looked for signs of Autumn. We then collected some of these items to make our journey sticks. What do you think? What can...

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5th October 2020

Test driving our wellies was great fun!

Well Autumn is certainly here. We decided to go outside and explore our outside learning environment in our new wellies. We all went looking for Autumn leaves, as we needed some for our upcoming craft...

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25th September 2020

Merlins are excited to read their Reading Spine books!

We have launched our Reading Spine books today and Merlins were very excited to see the range of books they can choose from.   Happy reading Merlins! 🙂...

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25th September 2020

Let us entertain you!

Lots of children have been bringing in conkers from their family walks, so we decided it would be a great idea to sing this song. It is called ‘Conkers’....

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