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12th July 2020


It’s time for Sports Day! Before you start, make sure you’re wearing your team colours. Ask a grown-up to take a picture of you doing an activity; if they...

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9th July 2020

Wrens Home Learning w/b 6/7/20

Well another week has passed, and looking out of the window, today is definitely a wellington boot kind of day! A BIG well done to everyone reading their books on Active...

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5th July 2020

Snowy Owls – Week beginning 6th July

Hello, Snowies! Thank you to everyone for sending photos and video clips for the Leavers’ DVD. What a great effort! I’m now busy making films and putting everything together....

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2nd July 2020

Wrens Home Learning – w/b 29/6/20

Hi everyone, we would just like to start by saying to all who are home learning, keep up the great work! We are obviously missing seeing your little smiley...

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29th June 2020

Snowy Owls – Week beginning 29th June

Good afternoon, Snowies Thank you to everyone who sent photos for the leavers’ film. It is now complete and I can confirm that you were all very sweet when...

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26th June 2020

Sports week challenge

Your final challenge this week is a fitness one. You’ll need a pack of playing cards for this one. Watch Mr Parry and Mrs Farrimond demonstrate what you need...

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25th June 2020

Wrens Learn the ‘Superworm’ song

As our learning has been around the story book ‘Superworm’ this week, we decided to learn this song. Enjoy! [youtube_sc url=””]    ...

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25th June 2020

Sports week competition

Our key workers have been taking part in the competitions this week. Here they are doing the cricket challenge from yesterday. Don’t forget to email me your pictures so that...

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25th June 2020

Home Learning – Wrens w/b 22/6/20

Hi everyone, this week in school we have been basing a lot of our learning around the book ‘Superworm’. You can listen to it here if you don’t have...

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25th June 2020

Sports week competition

Challenge 4 is gymnastics. Watch the lovely Jude and Heidi demonstrate what you need to do. Have a great...

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