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11th June 2020

Blue Peter Badge

Why not earn yourself a Blue Peter badge this lockdown? I’ve put the link below for you to have a look at which badge you think you could earn....

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11th June 2020

Learning about Minibeasts – Wk 2 in Wrens

Hi everyone, the weather certainly has taken a turn. Hopefully the sun will return soon. I hope everyone is ok, and thank you again for the fabulous photos being...

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10th June 2020

If I Were A Minibeast Sing Along

Hi all, we have learnt this song and put some actions to it. Why not sing and dance along at home? Have fun! [youtube_sc url=””]...

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5th June 2020

Lockdown Stories – The Lion Inside

Because some of our children are in school and others are at home, we wanted something we could all share together. Each week for the rest of lockdown we’ll...

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4th June 2020

Wrens are ‘Mad About Minibeasts’

Good morning everyone, I do hope you are all well, and are still enjoying using Active Learn and the School Jam maths app. Don’t forget to use the National Oak too. It’s great...

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3rd June 2020

Minibeast Madness!

Hope that you have all had a lovely half term and that you enjoyed the fantastic weather. Some of us are now back at school and we are very...

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3rd June 2020

Summer Term – Week beginning 3rd June

Good morning everyone!   I hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the beautiful weather. You will all have seen the letter about using Oak Academy. I’m looking forward...

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27th May 2020

Welcome Back to Children Returning 1st June

If your child is returning to school on the 1st of June, please share this short video to help them prepare for coming back. Many...

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19th May 2020

Are you a Times Tables Rockstar Record Breaker?

I know that we have lots of children who are incredibly fast at playing Times Tables Rockstars, but are any of you Record Breakers? I genuinely believe that someone...

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19th May 2020

Sunshine, Showers and Rainbows

Hello everyone, We hope that you are all well. On a normal Tuesday morning if you came into our school, you would hear the lovely sound of children practising...

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