Latest News

19th May 2020

Sunflowers and spellings!

Hi Robins and parents, Hope that you are all well and are enjoying the lovely weather if possible. I am attaching the next set of spellings, these will take...

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18th May 2020

Home Learning W/b 18th May 2020

Hello Everyone, It’s been lovely opening my email to lots of fab photos and videos. I’m going to print the photos off and put them on the wall at...

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11th May 2020

Maths Home Learning Ideas – W/b 11/5/20

Morning everyone, hope you are all safe and well. I know you have got Active Learn now and the School Jam App, but I thought I could put two creative/maths...

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8th May 2020

‘A Write Laugh’ Writing Competition

Just before Easter, I recommended the authorfy website – it’s packed with videos and resources from some of our favourite children’s authors. It’s free to access but a parent...

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2nd May 2020

Wrens Home Learning – Week Beginning – 4/5/20

Hi all, here are some more maths activities you could give a go. Activity 1 – Continue to develop vocab of money using an online game. Click on the...

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27th April 2020

Welcome to Odd Bod and Even Steven!

Hi everyone, I hope that you are all well. Firstly, well done to everyone that has been logging on to ActiveLearn and to those that have been completing the...

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26th April 2020

Daily phonics lessons

Hi everyone, Please find below a link to the letter which gives you information about the new daily phonics lessons, which start on Monday 27th April. These lessons are...

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23rd April 2020

Wrens Maths Activities

Hi all, I hope you’ve all managed to log on now to Active Learn, if not please email school. I will continue to allocate books and phonics games on...

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20th April 2020

Wrens Active Learn Website Information

Hi Wrens, I hope you have had a good Easter, and are all staying safe and well. I can’t wait to see all of your smiley faces! Parents or carers,...

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6th April 2020

Fun Grammar Games

Here are a couple of grammar games that you might like to play either on your own or with multi-players.   Take Care Mrs...

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