Latest News

10th December 2019

Special Christmas visitors challenge Robins to put their science skills to the test!

Whilst Robins were busy rehearsing for their Christmas production last week, it appeared that some sneaky visitors had lots of fun in their classroom. Robins returned to find chairs...

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26th November 2019

Anston Greenlands Comic Con

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21st November 2019

We’ve been helping to support the Sheffield Cathedral Archer Project!

Over the past few weeks, food donations have been made by our very kind families at Greenlands. Yesterday, Emily, from the Sheffield Cathedral Archer Project came in to talk...

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21st November 2019

Cooking with the House Captains!

Our school House Captains have enjoyed helping to run a Cooking Club with Y1 and Y2 children, and they are doing a great job!  The first week, muffins were...

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14th November 2019

Chaffinches and Robins had a brrrrr…illiant time at Snozone!

What a super day Chaffinches and Robins had yesterday at Snozone, Xscape.  The children spent time in ‘extreme’ conditions, similar to the ones we have been learning about last...

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10th November 2019

Autumn Time in Wrens

We absolutely love this season, as there is just so much you can do at this time of year outside and inside. We got busy using all of the...

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7th November 2019

Anti-Bullying Week

Next week is National Anti-Bullying week. Our Anti-Bullying Champions have sent a letter to all of the children in school, asking them to come in odd socks on Tuesday...

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25th October 2019

Autumn walks, phone calls from Antarctica and lots of science – a busy week in Robins!

Robins have had a super half term and we finished it off with a very busy final week. On Monday, we had an ‘Autumn Day’. The weather was kind...

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22nd October 2019

Restart a Heart Day

On Wednesday 16th October, children across school took part in activities linked to national Restart A Heart Day. Year 6 were particularly lucky to benefit from the expertise of...

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22nd October 2019

Crucial Crew

The Snowy Owls had a fantastic, packed day at Crucial Crew in Hellaby on Wednesday 9th October. In the morning, Y6 pupils took part in a First Aid workshop,...

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