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17th October 2019

Caythorpe Court


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11th October 2019

Ospreys’ natural art

Ospreys took advantage of Wednesday’s good weather and created some Marvel and DC natural art. Can you work out which logo is for which superhero?...

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11th October 2019

Greenlands’ Gladiators – Mud Glorious Mud!


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30th September 2019

A first for something else………. P.E day!

Our first P.E lesson was finally here. eeeeeekkkk! We warmed our bodies up first by playing the ‘Bean Game’. We then talked about space and spatial awareness. Then played ‘Rabbits...

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30th September 2019

Road Testing our Wellies

We have had great weather lately, so we decided to road test our wellies. We went looking for autumn leaves for some craft activities. Team wellie photo!  ...

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24th September 2019

Food glorious food….

We were invited to sample some of the hot school lunch options today. Curry and rice went down a storm! After a discussion with the children, they thought that they...

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23rd September 2019

Robins get a special visit from Firefighter Laing

This week Robins are reading a book called ‘Dragon Post’.  The story is about a boy called Alex and his pet Dragon.  Unfortunately, the Dragon keeps burning objects and...

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23rd September 2019

Number Hunt Time

We went exploring our new school to find numbers. We obviously dressed for the occasion! We found lots of numbers outside too! We then ordered number cards 0- 20....

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22nd September 2019

Reading with Robins!

What a lovely way to start a day! Lots of grown ups reading to us and also listening to us read to them. This happens every Wednesday morning in...

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16th September 2019

What a ‘scorching’ start to the year in Robins!

From making our own ice lollies to drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows, Robins have had a fun-filled and busy start to the year. We launched our topic ‘Fire and...

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