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14th March 2019

ICT Cadet blog

On Wednesday the 6th of March, the ICT Cadets held an assembly about safe gaming. We stood at the front of the hall and talked about how we can...

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14th March 2019

Safe Gaming Blog

On Wednesday 6th March 2019 the ICT cadets stood at the front of assembly and gave a presentation on how to stay safe online whilst gaming. However, before the...

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11th March 2019

Robins master Martial Arts!

Robins were very excited to take part in a special session of Martial Arts. Two children in Robins have been attending classes and were very proud to show the...

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10th March 2019

Shrove Tuesday – means it’s time to eat…. PANCAKES!

Wrens helped make, and obviously eat pancakes at snack time. They had a choice of various toppings, which made them go down so well. It also gave them an opportunity...

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8th March 2019

Happy World Book Day 2019 – Reading is Power!

Wrens have had a great time celebrating ‘World Book Day’ today with the rest of the school. Look at the characters we chose to dress up as….. In the...

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5th March 2019

Our Fabulous Finalists

Throughout the week before half term, we were treated to an extravaganza of talent as a total of seventy children from across school took part in the semi-finals of...

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5th February 2019

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!

Wrens have been busy making Chinese crafts, and participating in celebrations to ring in the year of the pig. We came to school dressed in something red, as this...

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5th February 2019

Hearts and Octopuses

Inspired by the Golden Eagles’ and Snowy Owls’ decision to hold a talent show in order to raise money for the Jessops Wing of Sheffield Teaching Hospital, some talented...

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29th January 2019

Robins have been looking for Robins!

Earlier this week, Robins took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and spent the afternoon looking for a variety of different birds. We made a tally chart of...

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13th January 2019

The G Factor – Open to any act (or)

At Anston Greenlands Primary School the Y5 and Y6 children are in the process of producing a magnificent talent show open to the whole school. Possible acts could include...

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