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3rd November 2018

Robins discover the colours of Autumn

What beautiful autumn weather! Robins have recently been out and about in the local area exploring and enjoying this season. We have been learning about the signs of Autumn...

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26th October 2018

People Who Help Us in the Community!

A few weeks ago we had two lovely police officers come to visit us at our school. They came to teach us about road safety, which they call ‘Street Feet’. They were...

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22nd October 2018

Sing up for Autumn time

Here we are singing two of our favourite autumn songs. We thought it might help you with the tune when you begin to sing along. You will find the lyrics...

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16th October 2018

Meet the Kings and Queens of Greenlands Primary!

We had a lovely walk to Greenlands park today. We all walked really sensibly with our adults, and we were also able to use our road safety knowledge to...

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16th October 2018

We Escaped the Room (Well … some of us did!)

The Golden Eagles and Snowy Owls had a fantastic time in Sheffield last week. Each child had the opportunity to experience an exciting Escape Room at Escape Sheffield. The...

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15th October 2018

Crucial Crew

The Snowy Owls had a fantastic, packed day at Crucial Crew in Hellaby on Thursday 4th October. In the morning, Y6 pupils found out about responsible public transport use,...

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7th October 2018

Wrens Spread the Word About Healthy Eating!

We are learning about people who care for us, but we want everyone to also look after themselves too. We decided it would be a great idea to spread...

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1st October 2018

We have been using our tallying skills today.

We went outside to look closely at the trees in the school grounds. Mrs Marriott asked us to work in pairs to tally the different trees that we could see. We then...

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1st October 2018

It’s PE time for Wrens!

It was PE day at last, and we were all so excited! Well, we made it into the hall and our first job was to find a space. We...

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26th September 2018

What a busy week in Robins!

On Monday, Robins received their first of two visitors this week. Mr Greaves came to talk to us about knights and their armour. It was great fun as we...

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