Latest News

16th September 2016

There’s been a murder! Golden Eagles and Snowy Owls need to find out whodunnit!

Earlier this week the Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles children were greeted with a task, to solve a murder! They carried out a white powder investigation to try and...

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9th September 2016

Medieval Madness for Robins and Chaffinches!

As a start to launch our learning about Castles, knights and Medieval times, we enjoyed a day of medieval madness.  Throughout the day, children took part in a variety...

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8th September 2016

New pupils were welcomed to Merlins’ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

On Wednesday 7th September, 30 new pupils joined Merlins’ Class of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The young hopefuls launched into a Harry Potter WOW day where they immersed themselves in...

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5th September 2016

What a fascinating and fun way to end a fantastic term!

On July 14th Ospreys, along with Merlins and also Robins, walked down to Anston Stones.  We were lucky enough to meet up with and talk to a group of archaeologists, from...

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20th July 2016

Number bonds are pairs of friends! Sing along with Wrens!

We have been learning a number bond chant! Please sing along with us. [youtube_sc url=””] [youtube_sc url=””]...

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20th July 2016

Ahoy there, me hearties! It’s a pirate’s life for Wrens!

We have had a busy, exciting half term learning about sea life! We all got really interested in pirates, and the positions and duties on board a pirate ship. We all completed pirate application...

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15th July 2016

Tennis Club – it’s ace!!!

We ended the tennis club with a Greenlands Wimbledon.  We had a girls and boys competition, which resulted in crowning our 2 champions.   We celebrated with the traditional strawberries...

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12th July 2016

Chaffinches’ Visitors’ Centre

Chaffinches opened their classroom as a Visitors’ Centre when parents and grandparents came for the school open afternoon . Our entire visitors’ centre They were able to show visitors...

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10th July 2016

Let it grow, let it grow…….

The gardening club have been busy! They have been giving the pots at the front of the school a new lease of life. They worked really well as a...

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7th July 2016

Budding artists in the making!

Today we have been showing off our creative skills. This morning we worked with Mrs Stafford and Mr Tweed outside to draw sea creatures. Look at our masterpieces… We then...

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