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25th May 2016

Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles visit the National Media Museum

On Wednesday 18th May, the Year 5 and Year 6 children had a great day at the National Media Museum in Bradford. We started with a stunning 3D IMAX...

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13th May 2016

Attendance Award

Good news – we’ve been presented with an attendance award by Rotherham Local Authority for achieving a fantastic 96.7% attendance last year! Well done...

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4th May 2016

The Big Cookathon

On Monday 25th April our school was buzzing with excitement as all the children in school  took part in the Children’s Food Trust Big Cookathon competition. With great support from...

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27th April 2016

Chaffinches’ World Premiere of their “Healthy Challenges” Film

The children in Chaffinches held the World Premiere of their film “Healthy Challenges”, which included activities that encourage a healthy lifestyle. The event was extremely well attended by parents, grandparents, brothers...

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26th April 2016

The Big Breakfast – Friday 22nd April 2016

As part of our big pedal challenge we held a big breakfast last Friday in school. The Bike It crew organised a small breakfast for those children and their...

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25th April 2016

Merlins and Ospreys: apprentices for the day!

What a fantastic end to last term’s topic.  The children took park in an ‘Apprentice style’ day. At the beginning of the day they were given the brief, by Mr Wirth, of...

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22nd April 2016

3,2,1 Blast Off!

Robins are launching into Space with their new topic this term. On the first day we held a special WOW day. We made jet packs and control panels for our...

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30th March 2016

What a buzzzzzy half term in Wrens!

Our topic this half term was called ‘In the Garden’. We based our first week around the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Look what grew in our classroom whilst we were...

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21st March 2016

Golden Golden Time

On Friday 18th March, all of the children in school took part in a fun games morning. There were twenty eight teams joining in, each with pupils from every...

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21st March 2016

World Water Day

On Tuesday 15th March, children from across school took part in activities to raise awareness of World Water Day. In Year 6, the children spent the day finding out...

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