Latest News

22nd November 2014

The Fire Service visit Ospreys

As part of our PSHE topic, Keeping Myself Safe, Ospreys were very lucky to have the fire service in to talk about fire safety. The talk looked at the...

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22nd November 2014


This half term we have been using espresso coding to design and write programs that accomplish specific goals such as moving a rocket in different directions, designing a maze...

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22nd November 2014

Making music!

What an exciting half term we have had so far! In science, our topic has been sound. The children investigated different instruments to identify that sounds are made through...

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17th November 2014

Our visit from the Fire Service!

Today we had a visit from ‘Aston Red Watch’.  The fire fighters started off by letting us watch a short film all about how we must never play with matches. We...

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13th November 2014

Wow! What an experience…

The children at Anston Greenlands experienced a very interesting and delicious assembly. Mebby and Patronella wanted to show everyone how to cook and eat Nshima, which is a local dish served daily in Zambia....

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10th November 2014

A very warm welcome to our Zambian Visitors

Our Zambian visitors arrived safe and sound on Thursday evening. On the first day we took our friends on a whistle stop tour of the five Primary schools from the Rotherham-Kalulushi partnership, these included:...

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30th October 2014

Our very first PE lesson!

We managed to get dressed in our PE kit. We all look very smart and keen to learn! The hall was very big for us little people. Our first...

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30th October 2014

We had some special visitors!

We have been learning about ‘People Who Help Us’ in our school and in the community. We have had lots of visitors, but we had some very special ones! This...

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24th October 2014

Kalulushi Crazy Hair Day

Anston Greenlands organised a crazy hair day to raise money for the Zambian visitors who will be joining us shortly. Merlins and Ospreys also sold toast as part of their tuck...

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22nd October 2014

Robins’ African Harvest Celebration Assembly

To celebrate the end of Robin’s topic, ‘ Stories from Africa’, the children delivered an amazing celebration assembly to parents/family members and the rest of the children by performing a selection of African folk...

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