Latest News

7th March 2014

Robins and Wrens Family Space Quiz

Brains switched on for the Space Quiz As part of our Space topic, Robins and Wrens organised a fun family space quiz for all children at Anston Greenlands. It...

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3rd March 2014

Conversion To Academy Status

A new page has been added to the website, providing information about our planned conversion to academy status. You’ll find all the details, including how to get involved in...

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13th February 2014

New Secret Page for Snowy Owls…

Somewhere on our website is a brand new page, for Snowy Owls’ eyes only! You may be able to find it, but unless you’re a Snowy Owl, I’m afraid...

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22nd January 2014

Our school trip to the National Space Centre on the 21st January 2014!

We are so proud of Wrens and Robins! Their behaviour on our visit to the National Space Centre in Leicester was excellent and they were all so keen to...

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15th January 2014

Greenlands Tops the Table in Writing!

We’re very proud to announce that Greenlands is at the top of the 2013 table of Rotherham primary schools, ranked by the percentage of children making expected progress in...

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15th January 2014

Games, gadgets and gizmos!

 The children in Merlins were excited when they found out the title of this term’s topic!  They were even more pleased when they realised they would be finding out about...

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19th December 2013

Streetdance Club

Streetdance club will run from 14th January for 5 weeks.  If your child is interested then please ask them to take a leaflet from their teacher or me, and return it to...

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19th December 2013

Horrible Histories Surveys

At the end of each term, we often survey the children to find out what they thought to our latest topic. Here are a few quotes from the Golden...

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18th December 2013

Merlins have rocked and popped through the decades!

What a busy an exciting term it has been.  Children in Merlins have learned not just about music since the 1950’s, but about life and how it has changed...

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18th December 2013

What’s going on at Anston Greenlands School?

     There has been a variety of opportunities this term to take part in after-school and lunch-time clubs.  Clubs such as Dodgeball, Mad Science, Choir, Lego, Film and Cooking Club...

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