Latest News

2nd February 2023

Litter Picking…….. because we CARE!

At forest school, we did some litter picking this week. We knew it was important to look after our environment. We wore gloves to keep us safe and we...

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2nd February 2023

Fruit Salad for EVERYONE!

We made fruit salad to sell to children in school, as we wanted to encourage them to eat healthy foods. We used a knife carefully to chop up the...

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26th January 2023

We just LOVE our natural environment!

We had GREAT fun again at Forest School! We did some bird watching, after popping out some bird feeders last week. We tallied the birds we saw. We also...

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25th January 2023

We are always excited for our PE lessons!

We have started using balls in our PE lesson. We are learning that balls can be used in many different ways – such as throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting...

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16th January 2023

We are VERY caring!

In Forest School, we thought we would help look after our small woodland animals, as it’s getting colder. We set about creating some little animal homes. Some of us...

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16th January 2023

Keeping fit this half term !

Well, in PE we are definitely keeping fit. We have been working on speed and agility. We played a game called, ” cups and saucers”. This involved two teams...

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16th January 2023

We are just loving our maths lessons!

We have been busy making numbers up to 5 over the last few weeks. We have used concrete resources (also referred to as manipulatives), which are objects or physical...

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13th January 2023

Reading with Robins

The children in Golden Eagles are always excited on Friday mornings when they get to share a book with the children in Robins....

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13th January 2023

Author Peter J Murray

  On Monday, we were delighted to welcome the children’s author Peter J. Murray.  Peter is the author of the Mokee Joe series that have been captivating children for...

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9th January 2023

Forest School – Tool Time!

Forest School was good fun. We got to use secateurs to cut sticks. We needed to make our sticks look like a ‘Y’. We then used these to create...

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