It’s your last week of officially being a Year 4! You’ve all worked incredibly hard during this really difficult time and I hope that you have a wonderful summer and come back refreshed and ready to start the new school year with Mrs Bower.
It’s sports day today so don’t forget to join in and send us your results and pictures.
The National Oak Academy isn’t on this week so I’m going to suggest having a go at the BBC Bitesize work. In maths you’ll be looking at symmetry. English is revising adverbs and fronted adverbials. This will be really useful for Year 5.
Please continue with TT Rockstars and Active Learn and remember to read every day.
I know that you’ll all be wanting a very well deserved break over the summer holidays but please remember to read regularly, practise your spellings and keep going on TT Rockstars as much as you can. These three things will really give you a head start in Year 5.
Don’t forget to email me with anything you’ve been up to.
Thank you for a brilliant year. Have a lovely summer and I’ll see you all in September.
Take care,
Mrs Bratt