Our Fairytale Ball!

Well the day had finally arrived and the children had certainly dressed for the occasion! Take a look at some of their costumes below….

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Over the last half term, Wrens and Robins have spent many PE lessons learning a dance for this big day. The hard work had certainly paid off!

The children were BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!

The dance went without a hitch and our audience were brought to tears. We are so proud of the effort that the children have put into learning this dance and the way they conducted themselves today! Here are some pictures of them in action….

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Once the dance was finished it was time for refreshments and a spot of shopping. Look at some of the things we had on sale…..

Bracelets and Gingerbread Men – (made by the children)


Cake Stalls – (donated by parents and carers)



Lemon and Lime Fruit Punch


One of our Raffle Prizes


We are so very lucky to have such generous and supportive parents/carers. Our cake stall and our raffle prizes looked amazing. A massive thank you to everyone that made the effort to contribute in any way to our event.

It was a fabulous afternoon and we raised £190, which is absolutely amazing! The money will be used to buy resources for our next topic, which will be ‘dinosaurs’.

A big thank you once again and we hope to see you at our next event.


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