Our Forest School Journey Begins…..

Last week, I started my ‘Forest School Level 3 Practitioner’ training. I had a fabulous, fun-filled week, and returned to school brimming with excitement!!! This training week is just the start of our ‘Forest School’ learning journey.

Throughout this year, I have a portfolio to compile and an assessment week to pass. I will start by completing the necessary risk assessments and creating a welcome pack. I will then be planning, six two-hour lessons for Wrens initially, for one of my units. I will then be sharing my knowledge and skills with other staff members, as I become more confident and knowledgeable.

We will be looking at incorporating ‘Forest School’ into our curriculum in the near future.

Take a look at some photos from my training course at Whiteley Wood Outdoor Activity Centre and Leam Woods.

Using our creative skills……


Learning how to use different tools safely to make useful items for our outside environment…..

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Learning how to tie different knots for different purposes……

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Learning how to put up tarps….


Learning how to start a fire using a flint and then manage it….

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Learning how to cook on the campfire…..


Learning about our outside environment and how we can use it……

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Learning how to use a ‘Kelly Kettle’….


If you want to learn more about forest schools, please click on the link below…


Exciting times ahead!!



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