Our Christmas Production – ‘Prickly Hay’

Our Christmas production was entitled ‘Prickly Hay’. All the children in Wrens, Robins and Chaffinches were involved in this truly wonderful Christmas performance. This was an exciting musical nativity with a fun hoedown flavour. It was narrated by Sam, a hardworking stable boy, and features himself, his faithful friend Shrew and some very special visitors. The story was told through our children’s marvellous acting, singing and dancing skills.

Here are some of the children before their big performance…..

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All the children tried really hard to learn their parts, whether it was dancing to a song, speaking or acting. They were truly fantastic! Take a look……

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We were particularly proud of the Wrens, as it was their first time on the ‘big stage’. No one got stage fright!!!!!! They all seemed to take it in their stride. Don’t they look fabulous????


A huge thank you to everyone who helped with this production. The help we receive really does ensure that the play runs smoothly.

Thank you also to everyone that purchased Wrens and Robins Christmas crafts. We managed to raise £77 in total. We will use this money to purchase some resources for next half terms topic   Fairy Tales’ .

Have a lovely Christmas from all the staff.

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