PGL – Our First Morning on Site!

It has been nonstop here at PGL! The children are having an amazing time and are certainly getting stuck into all of the activities! We’re in 5 different activity groups, and between us we’ve already had a go at events as wide-ranging as canoeing, zip-wire, abseiling, archery and trapeze. The children are showing the most fantastic attitudes and are making us all very proud. They’re clearly building up good appetites too, because they’re eating well! They’ve also enjoyed spending some time in their dorms, but there hasn’t been much of that yet, because we’ve been so busy!

Our timetable for the week is as follows:

7.15am – breakfast
Morning – activities
12.15 – lunch
Afternoon – more activities
5.30pm – tea
Evening – even more activities!

Here are some photos of our adventures so far…

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New Collaborative Learning Trust New College Pontefract Logo New College Doncaster Logo New College Bradford Logo Wingfield Academy Anston Greenlands Primary School Redscope Primary School Thorpe Hesley Primary School