Hi, hope you’re all well, and behaving for your family. I have set you some tasks now to help you continue to develop your reading and spelling of words.
t-l-90101-phase-2-to-5-high-frequency-words-word-mat-_ver_2 (1)
As we can’t write you any more words to read in your home learning book, please use the list above to complete the two tasks below.
Task 1
Adults : ask your child to have a go at reading the words, starting at phase 2, and working along the phases. As your child is doing this, please make a note of the ones they need to work on as they are going along. If your child manages phase 2, move to 3 and then 4.
Then on another occasion, you could work on the words they initially struggled with, and keep working on these.
Task 2
Adult: You could then work on the spelling of these words. Again start with phase 2, and then if your child manages this work on 3 & 4.
You could use chalk outside, magnetic letters, a whiteboard and pen, or just a pencil and paper. Whatever makes it more interesting for your child.
Have fun!
Mrs Marriott x