Rock and Pop through the decades

It has been a very busy and exciting term here in Ospreys. We have been learning about important events through the decades from the 1950s to present day. Our topic began with a fantastic trip to Liverpool. We visited The Beatles Story and the Elvis experience.  

In literacy we have had a go at writing our own lyrics to a song, produced an information text about key events from the 1950s, written a long narrative where a character was transported back in time to the 1960s, and created timelines for all of the decades.

In numeracy we have concentrated on learning strategies for the four operations and are using these to solve multi-step problems. We have used new strategies to work out the costings for the refreshments at the rock and pop concert, and used this information to work out margins and profits.

Swimming sessions were incredibly successful and children thoroughly enjoyed the lessons.

The rock and pop concert was a roaring success, we are amazed at how confident and talented our children are. Thank you to all parents, grandparents and helpers for your support learning lines and attending our concert. The children made over £150. This will be put towards other exciting events in the future.

We wish you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

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