Summer Term Ideas

Hello everybody,

Hope you are keeping safe and well and have had a lovely Easter.

Parents or carers should have received a text message giving you login details for Active Learn, which we have access to during the school closures. Through accessing the Active Learn website, you will be able to complete a range of activities. If you have not received a message with these details, please contact school and I will provide you with the login information.

I have allocated maths activities and a spelling game for each of you.

This link should take you to the home page where you login using the details from the text message.


The link below will give you a tour of the homepage and show you where you can access the activities allocated.



Here is another great maths game to play.

You can play it online or print a board game off.

White Rose Maths

Just a reminder that the White Rose Maths Team have prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from EYFS to Y6. They will be adding five lessons each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you how to  complete the activity successfully.

Copy the link below.


Practising times tables

Please keep practising your times tables on TT Rockstars – being quick and accurate with multiplication tables is so important.


I have added a link to a new speedy tables sheet that we usually do each morning. Ask an adult to choose a column and time you. Can you still answer them in under 2 minutes? How accurate are you?

SPEED SHEET wk beginning 20th April


Finally, do keep reading and make sure you record it in your reading diary. I’m looking forward to hearing about any books you’ve read at home. I have finished the ‘The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day’ – I loved it.  The book begins when Maisie  has a birthday like no other. It is very exciting and has a great twist at the end.

I shall be in touch soon.

Mrs Bower



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