Summer Week 2

Hello everybody

I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather we had last week.

I have added some maths and spelling activities to your active learn account.

Times tables

Well done – lots of you are continuing to practise your times table on TT Rockstars. The link below is for a new speedy tables sheet.

SPEED SHEET week beginning 27th April

This is a great strategy game where you will need to use your knowledge of factors and multiples to win the game.


Before school had to close, you all became confident and accurate in calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions. You were also becoming very confident when working with fractions. In the link below, I have included two sets of questions, very similar to the questions we used to answer each morning. I have included an answer sheet so you can check and mark your answers. Please don’t worry if you have forgotten how to answer a question. We can look at it again when we get back to school.

Maths questions

Maths answers

I hope you are all enjoying the active challenges Mrs Baird is setting.

Take care and I’ll be in touch soon.

Mrs Bower

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