The Great Global Food Festival and Bake Off

On Tuesday 4th April 2017, the Y5 and Y6 children from Anston Greenlands Primary School organised and ran a Great Global Food Festival.

Over the first half term of the year, the pupils were learning all about the Victorians, so they decided to transform one of the classrooms into a traditional Tea Room, selling a range of Victorian food, such as plum cake, tea cakes and soda bread with chutney. Visitors also had the opportunity to try a range of different teas, including fruit tea and chocolate tea. The braver customers also had the opportunity to taste authentic workhouse gruel!

Since February, the children have been learning about immigration, emigration and refugees. Therefore, in the school hall, they held a Great Global Food Festival, offering pizza from Italy, jerk chicken from the Caribbean and korma from India. Recipe booklets were available so that visitors could try recreating the delicious food at home.

Guests were also treated to flash mob dances and even had the chance to have their photograph taken with their favourite celebrity chef!

Finally, visitors were given the opportunity to find out all about UNHCR, the charity that the Year 5 and Year 6 children chose to support with any profits from the food festival. UNHCR is the United Nations organisation which supports refugees around the world to make sure they have shelter, food, protection, healthcare and other essentials.

A Bake Off competition was open to all pupils, parents and carers, with the tasty buns, cakes and biscuits being sold in the afternoon, once the winners had been chosen. We were amazed by the quality of the entries. Here are a few photographs of the cakes, buns, biscuits and breads – you can see how seriously the judges took their job!

Eventually, we managed to select a winner from each category. Here they are, collecting their prizes:


We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for supporting our event – from those who came and visited the tea room and food festival, to those of you who entered our Bake Off competition, to those fantastic parents, grandparents, carers and friends who stayed at the end to help with the washing up! With your help, we have managed to raise £100 for UNHCR.


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