The wonderful world of Harry Potter

Wow! What an amazing term Ospreys had at Hogwarts! We have been busy experiencing the wonderful world of Harry Potter. Year four made mud faces in the Forbidden Forest, we went on a dragon hunt, invented our own dragons, solved mathematical wizarding problems and produced powerful potions.


Ospreys had a fantastic trip to The Harry Potter Studios where we explored the film sets and even got to fly on a broomstick and in the flying car. We were so inspired by this trip that we decided to design our own broomsticks and produce our own TV advertisements. Some members of Ospreys were star struck when they met some of the animal cast! We were amazed at the size of the film sets; we got to walk through the grand hall, browse the shops in Diagon Alley and stand on the corner of Privet Drive.


To celebrate the end of our topic, Ospreys were invited to attend Hogwarts for the day. We were sorted into our house teams by the sorting hat. We made butterbeer and cauldron cakes and experienced a potions lesson. Muggles’ Quidditch was lots of fun and we used the Marauders Map to solve Harry Potter questions!

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