Week beginning 15/6/20 – Wrens Home Learning

Hi everyone,

what has happened to the weather?  Well the plants will appreciate it and some of the minibeasts.

Our learning this week has been based around the story book ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’ by Eric Carle.

If you haven’t got the book, here is a link to listen to some one reading it on you tube.



We have been busy learning more about time.

We made these ladybird clocks to use. You could print it off and make one too.

We revisited O’clock, half past, and then worked on quarter past and quarter to. We coloured the long hand blue (minute) and the shorter one red (hour) to help us in class. You could ask your child then to make the time said by you.


We went on a tricky word hunt outside. We put the words up outside and the children had to find them and tick them off. We then read them to each other in class, to share what we had found. We then had a go at spelling them too. Click on the link to print the lists off.

tricky word hunt

We then wrote about what made us a bit grouchy like ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’. We worked hard to write sentences with finger spaces, using our digraph knowledge to spell words phonetically and to form our letters correctly.

We wrote a book review for the book too. Here is the link below for that.


Craft Activities

We made ladybirds out of paper plates

We made hats using different coloured card.

We made sun catchers using tissue paper and card.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

We are going to be learning about the parts of the ladybird too.

We managed to find some ladybirds too, at the beginning of the week, and count their spots.

We hope you have fun with these activities.

Bye for now.

Mrs Marriott & Mrs Briggs x


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