Welcome Chaffinches!


What a great first half term Chaffinches have had. From making our own ice lollies to drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows, Chaffinches have had a fun-filled and busy start to the year. We launched our topic ‘Fire and Ice’ with an amazing Wow day where we made beautiful snowflakes, caused volcanoes to erupt, used a variety of media to make giant flames and played ‘ice’ hockey too.

Chaffinches have settled in very well to their new class and routines and are already making great progress, both in their work and with their independence.

In our English lessons, we began by looking at explorers of the Arctic, reading a book entitled ‘The Great Explorer’ by Chris Judge. We researched animals of the Arctic and wrote an information text about polar bears.  We then moved half way around the world to learn about Antarctica, and the animals that can be found there.  Another book we enjoyed reading is ‘The penguin who wanted to find out’: this inspired us to write our own adventure about Otto the penguin.   We have been dancing like penguins and singing a song about Rocking at the North Pole.

We have been learning how to find the Arctic and the Antarctic, using globes, maps and atlases.  Chaffinches were lucky enough to speak to a Research Scientist who is currently stationed in Antarctica: the children thought of some fantastic questions to ask her and were enthralled by her answers.

What a fantastic start to the new academic year. Well done Chaffinches!!




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