Escape room week finally arrived for our Year 5s and Year 6s after months of preparation. The children put so much effort into creating an amazing experience for our guests.
About eight weeks ago, we all visited ‘Escape Sheffield’ and had a go at their ‘Witchcraft and Wizardry’ and ‘221b Baker Street’ rooms. Full of inspiration, back at school, every child worked in a group; together, they devised a fantastic range of challenging puzzles.
Obviously, there’s much more to it than that! As well as creating brainteasers, every student also had an enterprise job, including designing and decorating the room, producing films to advertise the game and introduce the challenge, working as press officers and writing a script for the games masters. Additionally, they created certificates, signs and leader boards, composed atmospheric music for the rooms and provided refreshments and a raffle. All of the adults working with the children are so proud of everything they have achieved.
Of course, there would be no escape room without contestants. We are incredibly grateful to all of the friends and family who bravely took on ‘Clash of the Vikings’ whilst their children acted as games masters. About 80 of you tried our room in total! Every contestant agreed that it was a real challenge. Out of the fourteen groups of adults who gave it a go, nine managed to escape; those who didn’t were very close!

Our staff team ‘Class of 2012’, managed to maintain the lead throughout the whole week. In second place were ‘TBE’, with a time of 43 minutes 30 seconds, closely followed by ‘The Viking Killers’ who got out after 43 minutes 40 seconds. ‘Team Slaves’ were in fourth place, with a time of 45 minutes 42 seconds, while the ‘Viking Warriors’ managed 47 minutes 37 seconds.

Thank you so much for all your positive feedback. The children have loved their week as games masters.