Wow – What an exciting term we have ahead!

On Monday 11th September, the Snowy Owls and Golden Eagles launched their new topic with a wonderful Wow Day. As you can see, children, parents and carers made a fantastic effort and our classrooms were filled with a wide range of characters from the past.

Towards the end of the day, the Y5s and Y6s discovered that our final event will be … Anston Greenlands’ Excellent Adventure!

Over the term, we will go back in time to find historical figures who have changed our world for good. We will find out all about the positive impact that they have had, linking these people and their actions to the seventeen Global Goals. On the evening of Wednesday 6th December, the children will put on a performance and film show to tell you all about it – save the date!

Each student will select a Global Goal which they feel passionate about, inform people about it, campaign for change and then create a film to show how the world will look if their Global Goal is achieved.

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New Collaborative Learning Trust New College Pontefract Logo New College Doncaster Logo New College Bradford Logo Wingfield Academy Anston Greenlands Primary School Redscope Primary School Thorpe Hesley Primary School