Wrens have been very busy during the Christmas period!

Our Christmas Nativity ‘Born in a Barn’ went really well and the children were just fantastic!

Yes, it took lots of rehearsing, but this certainly paid off in the end.

The children put 100% effort into learning not only the songs, but their individual dances too. We are so very proud of them and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Take a look at some of the photos from the performance.

The angels are raring to go!

The Shepherds in action!

Our fab camel!

The birds waddle and quack!!

The inn keeper getting ready to answer his door!

Thank you for purchasing our Christmas enterprise gifts from our stall. We managed to raise £100.

After our Nativity performances we didn’t put our feet up – oh no! We went to our local Tesco to sing our Nativity songs and share our Christmas spirit. We managed to raise £90 there. Thank you to everyone who came to support us. We sang beautifully and we were full of Christmas cheer! The long walk back was hard work, but we managed to make it back in time for lunch!

We just love singing!

Then off to panto we went!

The children thoroughly enjoyed ‘Beauty and the Beast’ and so did the staff! The dance that we had to do regularly was fab – ask them to show it to you!

Yum Yum!

We are going to be learning about ‘Space’ next half term, so all the money we have raised over the Christmas period will be used to purchase new resources to support this topic. Without your support this would not be possible, so once again a big thank you. Happy Christmas everyone and all the best for the New Year!

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