Wrens – Home Learning Maths Challenges

Hi all,

Here are a few practical maths activities you could do at home to help your child to continue to develop their maths knowledge.

Adding Coat Hanger

Roll two dice and then place them in the squares as above. Then encourage your child to place the right amount of pegs on each end of the coat hanger to help them find the answer. Repeat several times. You could also do this using playing cards (numbers 1-10) or just make a set of number cards to use instead of dice.

Puddle Jump Maths

Make a set of numbers 0-20. These do not have to be all singing all dancing, just pieces of paper with numbers on. Then spread them out on the floor and you could start by saying a number, and your child has to jump on it. You could also use this for one more/one less. For example – “jump on the number that is one more than 13, one less than 18, etc”. For more of a challenge, you could ask your child to jump on 2 numbers that make 10 (6 & 4). You could also say, jump on the two numbers that make 7 when they are added together (4 & 3) or the two numbers that make 5 (3 & 2). Keep repeating saying different number problems.

Here is also a great online website you could use.


You could work on the following games……

  • Toy Shop Money Game – to develop their use of everyday language related to money. You could then get your child to make their own shop, using their toys and real coins.
  • Blast Off – for 2 digit number recognition. This can be changed depending on ability.
  • Mental Maths Number Train – working on the addition and subtraction sections. Such as using numbers up to 10 or 20 one more/one less, number bonds to 10, subtraction up to 10 less. There is a lot to choose from to help challenge all children. Explore different options, and see what your child can do.

I will keep adding activities to enable you to support your child at home.

If you have any questions please contact us by using the two email addresses below, as stated on the letter dated 19/3/20 included in your packs.

office@greenlandsprimary.org – for admin questions.

contact@greenlandsprimary.org – for questions about other aspects of school.

We really appreciate your support.

All the best

Mrs Marriott & Mrs Briggs x

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